Should the United States be concerned about what is happening outside our own country, or should we focus on issues in the United States ONLY? Why?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with some perspectives on this topic.

The question of whether the United States should focus solely on domestic issues or also be concerned about what is happening outside its borders is a matter of debate. Here are a few arguments on both sides:

Focus on issues in the United States ONLY:
1. Prioritizing domestic issues: By focusing solely on the United States, the government can allocate more resources and attention to solving domestic problems. This can include addressing economic inequalities, improving infrastructure, and strengthening social safety nets.

2. Limited influence: Some argue that the United States has limited control over international affairs and should primarily focus on areas where it has more influence. This approach can help ensure resources and efforts are directed at solving problems that directly impact American citizens.

Concern about international affairs:
1. Global interdependence: In an interconnected world, issues in other countries can have significant political, economic, and security implications for the United States. Global challenges such as terrorism, pandemics, climate change, and economic fluctuations require international cooperation.

2. Moral and humanitarian responsibility: The United States has often positioned itself as a global leader, advocating for human rights, democracy, and international stability. Ignoring or neglecting issues outside its borders could be seen as an abandonment of these principles and inconsistent with its foreign policy objectives.

3. Long-term security: Addressing global challenges at their source can be a way to prevent future crises that may impact the United States. By engaging with international issues, the United States can work towards stability, reducing the potential for conflicts and threats to its national security.

In practice, governments often strive to strike a balance between addressing domestic and international concerns. The exact approach can vary depending on the political climate, public opinion, and specific challenges faced by the country.