Finish this "I know the structures of plants, and how they function to promote survival, defense, and reproduction."

I know the structures of plants, such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds, and how they function to promote survival, defense, and reproduction. The root system, for example, anchors the plant in the soil, absorbs water and nutrients, and stores carbohydrates. Stems provide support, transportation of water and nutrients throughout the plant, and a place for leaves and flowers to grow. Leaves are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy, providing the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Flowers play a crucial role in reproduction by producing seeds. The intricate structures within a flower, including male and female reproductive organs, facilitate pollination, leading to fertilization and the formation of seeds. Additionally, plants have developed various defense mechanisms, such as thorns, prickles, and chemical compounds, which deter herbivores and protect against diseases. Understanding the structures and functions of plants helps us appreciate their amazing adaptations and their vital contributions to ecosystems and our survival.