How can you tell if it is credible?

The Age of Globalization: An Era of Connectivity and Integration

One way to determine if a source is credible is to consider the author and their qualifications. In this case, if the source of the information is a credible and reputable institution, such as a university or well-known research organization, it is more likely to be reliable.

You can also look for citations or references within the source. If the information is backed up by reputable sources or data, it can indicate that the source is credible.

Additionally, it is important to consider the overall coherence and logic of the information presented. Credible sources should provide clear and logical arguments, supported by evidence. If the information seems contradictory or lacks supporting evidence, it may not be reliable.

Finally, you can also cross-check the information with other sources. If multiple credible sources are reporting the same or similar information, it adds to the credibility of the original source.

In the case of "The Age of Globalization: An Era of Connectivity and Integration," you can evaluate its credibility by considering the author, the publication it is featured in, and if it is supported by reliable references or research.