How might your own struggles (that you became victorious in) make you a good source of godly counsel and empathy?

My own struggles, particularly the ones in which I emerged victorious, can enhance my ability to provide godly counsel and empathy in several ways.

1. Personal experience: Going through struggles allows me to relate to others who are facing similar challenges. It enables me to share my own journey, the tactics I employed, and the lessons I learned, which can provide comfort and encouragement. People often find solace in knowing that they are not alone and that someone else has walked a similar path.

2. Empathy: My struggles have given me a deeper understanding of the emotions, pain, and difficulties that others might be going through. I can better empathize with their circumstances and offer genuine support and compassion. This empathy helps in creating a safe and understanding environment where individuals can open up, knowing that they will be heard without judgment.

3. Insight and wisdom: Overcoming challenges allows me to gain insights and wisdom that can be shared with others. These experiences often teach valuable lessons about faith, perseverance, resilience, and reliance on God. Offering this wisdom as godly counsel can guide individuals in their own journeys and help them make better choices based on the understanding I gained through my struggles.

4. Encouragement and hope: Victory over struggles can serve as a source of hope and inspiration for others. Sharing my story can help uplift individuals who may be feeling hopeless, reminding them that they too can overcome their obstacles. Showing them that it is possible to emerge victorious in difficult situations can instill faith and encourage them not to give up.

5. Trust-building: Sharing personal struggles and how God helped me overcome them can build trust between others and me. When people see that I am open and vulnerable about my own challenges, they are more likely to trust the counsel and empathy I offer. This trust helps to foster a deeper connection, as individuals feel comfortable sharing their own struggles and seeking guidance.

Overall, my triumphs in personal struggles equip me with insights, empathy, and experiences that make me a valuable source of godly counsel and empathy for those who need it.