If I have a 60% in my class and I score a 80% on my summative that is worth 15% of my mark. What is my current grade afterwards?

To calculate your current grade after the summative, you would first find the weight of your existing grade and the weight of the summative.

Since your current grade is 60% and it is worth 85% (100% - 15%) of your total marks, the weight of your existing grade is 60% * 85% = 51%.

The summative is worth 15% of your total marks, which means its weight is 15%.

Next, you would calculate the weighted values of each grade.

For your existing grade: 60% * 51% = 30.6%
For the summative: 80% * 15% = 12%

Finally, you would add these weighted values together to find your new overall grade:

30.6% + 12% = 42.6%

Therefore, your new overall grade would be 42.6%.