What value of y would make the expression yb−6+7+2b−3b+1 equivalent to 5b+2 ?(1 point)

The expression yb−6+7+2b−3b+1 can be simplified as follows:

yb−6+7+2b−3b+1 = (y+b+2b-3b)+(-6+7+1)

To make this expression equivalent to 5b+2, we can set the coefficients of b on both sides equal to each other:

1 + 2 - 3 = 5

Therefore, the value of y that would make the expression yb−6+7+2b−3b+1 equivalent to 5b+2 is y = 5.

5 is wrong

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's try again.

The expression yb-6+7+2b-3b+1 can be simplified as:

yb+2b-3b-6+7+1 = yb-b-5

To make this expression equivalent to 5b+2, we can set the coefficients of b on both sides equal to each other:

1 = 5

Since 1 is not equal to 5, there is no value of y that would make the expression equivalent to 5b+2.

5b + 2 is wrong

Apologies once again. Let's find the correct value of y.

yb−6+7+2b−3b+1 can be simplified as:

yb - 3 + 2b - 3b + 1 = yb - b

To make this expression equivalent to 5b + 2, we can set the coefficients of b on both sides equal to each other:

1 = 5

Since 1 is not equal to 5, there is no value of y that would make the expression equivalent to 5b + 2.