Write a moderate-length paragraph, 10 to 15 sentences, discussing what has been the greatest hindrance to your academic success as a student, especially in the era of COVID. After you complete this assignment, read and review the papers of the two peers that have been assigned to you and respond to their ideas.

As a student, the greatest hindrance to my academic success in the era of COVID has been the lack of personal interaction and hands-on learning experiences. With the shift to online classes, the opportunity for face-to-face interactions with professors and classmates has greatly diminished. In-person discussions and debates during lectures not only facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also allow for the exchange of diverse perspectives. Additionally, engaging in group projects and collaborating with peers in a physical setting enhances problem-solving skills and creativity. Unfortunately, with remote learning, these opportunities have been severely limited, resulting in a sense of isolation and a decline in motivation. Moreover, the absence of in-person workshops and practical lab sessions has hindered my ability to grasp certain concepts effectively. The interactive nature of these activities, such as conducting experiments or simulations, provides a hands-on approach to learning and helps consolidate theoretical knowledge. Consequently, the transition to fully online learning has posed significant challenges that have negatively impacted my academic performance.