At a used book sale, each paperback book cost x dollars and each hardcover book cost y dollars.

One customer purchased 7 paperback books and 5 hardcover books and paid $10.80.
Another customer paid $9.45 and purchased 3 paperback books and 6 hardcover books.

What system of equations can be used to find the cost of 1 paperback book and the cost of 1 hardcover book?

Move the correct answer to each box. Each answer may be used more than once. Not all answers will be used.

Let's denote the cost of 1 paperback book as x and the cost of 1 hardcover book as y.

For the first customer who purchased 7 paperback books and 5 hardcover books for $10.80, we can set up the equation:

7x + 5y = 10.80

For the second customer who purchased 3 paperback books and 6 hardcover books for $9.45, we can set up the equation:

3x + 6y = 9.45

So the system of equations that can be used to find the cost of 1 paperback book and 1 hardcover book is:

7x + 5y = 10.80
3x + 6y = 9.45