The number of visitors to a certain Web site triples every month. The number of visitors is

modeled by the expression 8100 * 3m, where m is the number of months after the number of
visitors was measured. Evaluate the expression for m = -4. What does the value of the
expression represent in the situation?

To evaluate the expression for m = -4, we substitute -4 into the expression:

8100 * 3(-4)

= 8100 * 3(-4)

= 8100 * 3^(-4)

= 8100 * (1/3)^4

= 8100 * (1/81)

= 100

The value of the expression represents the number of visitors to the website after 4 months have passed since the number of visitors was measured. In this case, the value is 100.

What does the value of the expression represent in the​ situation?

There were
enter your response here visitors
enter your response here ​month(s)

the number of visitors was measured.

The value of the expression, which is 100, represents the number of visitors to the website "after" the number of visitors was measured.

SO how many visitors were there for how many months

The expression in the situation is 8100 * 3m, where m represents the number of months after the number of visitors was measured.

If we evaluate the expression for m = -4, the value of the expression is 100.

Therefore, 100 visitors were measured after 4 months.