How do you say "the good-looking man" in Spanish?

(1 point)

el hombre guapo
el hombre guapo

la joven alta
la joven alta

el hombre alto
el hombre alto

la mujer guapa
la mujer guapa
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el hombre guapo

2 of 52 of 5 Items

How do you say "gray hair" in Spanish?
(1 point)

el pelo castaño
el pelo castaño

el pelo negro
el pelo negro

el pelo canoso
el pelo canoso

el pelo rubio
el pelo rubio
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el pelo canoso

Which of the following is not part of the table setting in a restaurant?

(1 point)

el cuchillo
el cuchillo

el vaso
el vaso

la cuchara
la cuchara

la cuenta
la cuenta
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la cuenta

Which of the following statements about Mother's Day is not true, according to the lesson?

(1 point)

Mother's Day is celebrated on different days throughout Latin America.
Mother's Day is celebrated on different days throughout Latin America.

Mother's Day always falls on May 1st in Paraguay.
Mother's Day always falls on May 1st in Paraguay.

People celebrate Mother's Day by sending flowers, gifts, or cards to their mother.
People celebrate Mother's Day by sending flowers, gifts, or cards to their mother.

Mother's Day and Independence Day fall on the same date in Paraguay.
Mother's Day and Independence Day fall on the same date in Paraguay.

Mother's Day always falls on May 1st in Paraguay.