How do the economic freedoms of U.S. citizens affect the economy of the country?(1 point) Responses With the right to fair treatment if accused of committing fraud against a business, they are less likely to do something negative to affect the economy. With the right to fair treatment if accused of committing fraud against a business, they are less likely to do something negative to affect the economy. The people feel free to do business and work productively without fear of oppression or mistreatment, which helps build a better economy. The people feel free to do business and work productively without fear of oppression or mistreatment, which helps build a better economy. With the right to challenge government, people have the ability to voice opinions about the economic policies the government puts into place. With the right to challenge government, people have the ability to voice opinions about the economic policies the government puts into place. The people feel free to speak out and write about injustices within the business world, which helps keep government working for the economy.

The economic freedoms of U.S. citizens affect the economy of the country in several ways. First, with the right to fair treatment if accused of committing fraud against a business, individuals are less likely to engage in fraudulent activities that could negatively impact the economy. This helps maintain trust and confidence in the business environment.

Second, the economic freedoms allow individuals to feel free to do business and work productively without fear of oppression or mistreatment. This fosters entrepreneurship, innovation, and productivity, which are essential for economic growth and development.

Third, the right to challenge the government gives people the ability to voice their opinions about economic policies. This feedback can influence decision-making and help shape policies that are more conducive to economic prosperity.

Finally, the economic freedoms enable people to speak out and write about injustices within the business world. This helps uncover corruption, unethical practices, and promotes transparency, ensuring that the government and businesses work towards a healthier and more robust economy.

Overall, the economic freedoms of U.S. citizens play a vital role in creating a conducive environment for economic growth, innovation, and ensuring that the government is accountable and responsive to the needs of the economy.