It takes 240 commuter train cars to carry 12,000 people into New York City. How many commuter train cars are needed to carry 4,000 people into New York City

To find out how many commuter train cars are needed to carry 4,000 people into New York City, we need to set up a proportion.

We know that 240 commuter train cars carry 12,000 people. Let's set up the proportion:

240 commuter train cars / 12,000 people = x commuter train cars / 4,000 people

To find x (the number of commuter train cars needed to carry 4,000 people), we can cross multiply:

12,000 * x = 240 * 4,000

12,000x = 960,0000

Now, we can solve for x:

x = 960,000 / 12,000

x ≈ 80

Therefore, 80 commuter train cars are needed to carry 4,000 people into New York City.