How can a writer effectively use the technique of setting out a problem in a narrative hook?(1 point) Responses Make the problem frightening. Make the problem frightening. Make the problem large in scale. Make the problem large in scale. Make the problem complicated. Make the problem complicated. Make the problem interestin

g. Make the problem interesting. Make the problem interesting. Use descriptive language to create a vivid and engaging setting. Use descriptive language to create a vivid and engaging setting. Include suspense or mystery to create anticipation and intrigue. Include suspense or mystery to create anticipation and intrigue. Show the potential consequences or impact of the problem. Show the potential consequences or impact of the problem. Introduce a relatable or sympathetic protagonist facing the problem. Introduce a relatable or sympathetic protagonist facing the problem. Create a sense of urgency or time sensitivity around the problem. Create a sense of urgency or time sensitivity around the problem.