What are the coordinates of the point 'B if B (5,-9) is rotated 180° clockwise around the origin

To find the coordinates of B after rotation, we can use the formula for rotating a point (x, y) by 180° clockwise around the origin:

New x-coordinate = x cos(180°) - y sin(180°)
New y-coordinate = x sin(180°) + y cos(180°)

In this case, the original coordinates of B are (5, -9).
Plugging these values into the formulas, we get:

New x-coordinate = 5 cos(180°) - (-9) sin(180°)
= 5 (-1) - (-9) (0)
= -5

New y-coordinate = 5 sin(180°) + (-9) cos(180°)
= 5 (0) + (-9) (-1)
= -9

Therefore, after rotating 180° clockwise around the origin, the coordinates of point B become (-5, -9).