The dimensions of Ashley's sandbox are c3 by c5 by 4v5 . Which of the following expressions represents the volume of the sandbox?(1 point) Responses 4c15v5 4 c to the 15th power v to the 5th power 20c15v5 20 c to the 15th power v to the 5th power 2c8v5 2 c to the 8th power v to the 5th power 4c8v5

The volume of a rectangular prism is calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height.

In this case, the length is c3, the width is c5, and the height is 4v5.

Therefore, the expression that represents the volume of the sandbox is:

(c3) * (c5) * (4v5)

Simplifying this expression, we get:

4c3+5+v5 = 4c8v5.

So, the correct answer is: 4c8v5.