Use the quote from Alexis de Tocqueville's book Democracy in America to answer the following.

What changes are happening in the US under President Andrew Jackson that supports the quote?

“It is incontestable that the people governed the American colonies even before the Revolution; … the people took possession of the legislature at once, and most of the provincial governors were elected by the citizens.” - Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

President Andrew Jackson, who served from 1829 to 1837, implemented several changes that aligned with the quote from Alexis de Tocqueville's book. Jackson was a strong advocate for expanding the power of the people and promoting democracy. Some changes that occurred during his presidency include:

1. Extension of suffrage: Jackson aimed to expand voting rights and eradicate property ownership requirements for voting, allowing more individuals to participate in the democratic process. This shift towards universal white male suffrage granted the people greater control over the government and emphasized their prominent role in decision-making.

2. Spoils system: Jackson's administration initiated the widespread use of the spoils system, which rewarded political supporters with government positions. This practice allowed ordinary citizens, who previously had limited access to political power, to actively participate in government affairs. By enabling the people to govern through political appointments, Jackson empowered them to directly influence the workings of the state.

3. Democratization of politics: Jackson significantly diminished the influence of political elites and emphasized the importance of popular participation in politics. He championed the rise of political parties and accelerated the growth of mass political activism. Jackson's presidency marked a shift towards a more populist style of governance, where the common people wielded greater sway within the political landscape.

These changes promoted by President Andrew Jackson exemplify the underlying theme in Alexis de Tocqueville's quote, emphasizing the people's growing prominence in American politics. The extension of suffrage, the spoils system, and the democratization of politics all demonstrate the evolving role of the people in governing the nation, validating de Tocqueville's observation that the people held power even before the Revolution and continued to assert their authority during this period.