______is not a way of organising information

Decentralization is not a way of organizing information.

_____ is not a way of organising information

(A) procedures
(B) category
(C) time
(D) location

(D) location is not a way of organizing information.

_____refers to the state of improvement in the product development process

A) computer
B) organisation
C) generation
D) none of the above
Choose correctly

B) organisation refers to the state of improvement in the product development process.

The answers Seems not to be satisfactory by me maybe I omitted please this question is coming from data processing give me a comfortable answer or satisfactory answer

Apologies for the inconvenience. In the context of data processing, the term that refers to the state of improvement in the product development process is iteration or iterative development. It is a process of continuous improvement and refinement in the development of a product or system.

Was I harsh i'm so sorry can you take the next question

No problem at all! I completely understand. Please feel free to ask your next question, and I'll be happy to assist you.

Can I ask question in this platform

_____refers so the process of transformations in data processing