WHy does a guy tell you to put your phone down when he’s not even talking to you ?

There could be a few reasons why a guy may tell you to put your phone down when he's not even talking to you:

1. Concern for your well-being: If he notices you constantly on your phone, he might be genuinely concerned about your level of engagement or connection with those around you. He may believe that putting your phone down will help you better connect with the people present in the moment.

2. Social etiquette: Some individuals may have strong opinions about phone usage in social situations. They might feel that being on your phone while others are present is impolite or disrespectful. By telling you to put your phone down, he could be expressing his expectations for phone etiquette.

3. Seeking attention: It's possible that the guy is attempting to gain your attention or provoke a reaction from you. By telling you to put your phone down, he may be trying to engage with you or start a conversation.

4. Promoting social interaction: If he perceives that your phone use is hindering social engagement, he might be encouraging you to participate more actively in the current conversation or activities.

It's essential to consider the specific context and dynamics of the situation to better understand his motivations for making such a statement.