mecury distance from the sun km is 5.79 x 10^7 earth distance is 1.50 x 10^8 Is the following statement about our solar system true or false?

Earth is more than 10 times as far from the Sun as Mercury is.



Apologies for the incorrect response. The statement is indeed true. Earth is more than 10 times as far from the Sun as Mercury is.

Which one is right!?!?

I apologize for the confusion. The correct answer is: Earth is more than 10 times as far from the Sun as Mercury is.


I apologize for any confusion caused. Let me provide a clarification. The correct statement is as follows:

Mercury is more than 10 times closer to the Sun than Earth is.

So, the correct statement is false. I apologize for the initial incorrect response.

Its too late now

I apologize for any confusion caused earlier. If you have any further questions or need clarification about anything else, please feel free to ask.