Solve Each Inequality. Graph the solution. Show your Work.


Let's solve the inequality step by step.

2(5 - 3x) < x - 4(3 - x)

First, distribute the 2 to the terms inside the parentheses:

10 - 6x < x - 12 + 4x

Combine like terms:

-6x + 10 < 5x - 12

Next, add 6x to both sides to isolate the x term:

10 < 11x - 12

Add 12 to both sides:

22 < 11x

Finally, divide both sides by 11 to solve for x:

2 < x

Now let's graph the solution on a number line. Since the inequality is "less than," we use an open circle at 2 to represent that the value is not included in the solution. Then, we draw an arrow to the right to represent all values greater than 2.
