1906 Atlanta Race Massacre (Riot)

Who was involved? Think about the people or groups who were involved and affected by this event.

The 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre involved a range of people and groups who were both involved in and affected by the event.

1. Black community: The African American community in Atlanta was greatly affected by the race massacre. They were targeted and faced violence, with their homes, businesses, and property being destroyed. Many were forced to flee the city for their safety.

2. White mob: The white mob formed the majority of the attackers in the race massacre. They were motivated by racial hatred and a desire to enforce white supremacy. The mob consisted of both individuals and organized groups.

3. Police and law enforcement: The police and law enforcement authorities in Atlanta played a role in the massacre. While some officers tried to maintain order and protect the African American community, there were also reports of police officers either joining the mob in carrying out violence or not doing enough to intervene and stop the attacks.

4. Politicians and government officials: Politicians and government officials were involved in the aftermath of the massacre. They had to address the violence, provide support for the affected community, and work towards reconciliation and rebuilding efforts.

5. Business owners: Both African American and white business owners were affected by the race massacre. African American businesses were specifically targeted and destroyed, resulting in financial losses and economic devastation for the black community.

6. Civil rights activists: The race massacre inspired and galvanized civil rights activists to fight for justice and equality. It served as a catalyst for the early civil rights movement, as individuals and organizations advocated for change and an end to racial discrimination.

7. Media: The media played a role in shaping public opinion and documenting the events of the 1906 Atlanta Race Massacre. Newspapers and reporters covered the violence, helping to inform the public and create awareness about the racial tensions and discrimination in the city.

8. Community leaders: Various community leaders, both black and white, were involved in the response to the race massacre. They worked towards promoting peace, healing divisions, and providing support for the affected community. Some community leaders also actively challenged racial prejudice and inequality in Atlanta.