Elke is opening a checking account. She wants to avoid fees on her account, and she notices she needs a minimum daily balance of $300 to avoid fees at the end of the month. Elke initially deposits $235.90 into her account. Elke's aunt pays Elke $22 cash every day for babysitting her cousins, and Elke deposits her babysitting earnings into her checking account on the way home each night. Assuming Elke does not withdraw any money from her checking account, after how many days will she be able to avoid future fees on her account? Write an inequality that could be used to solve this problem.

Let d be the number of days. The total amount of money in Elke's account after d days is 235.9 + 22d.

We want to find the number of days, d, when the total amount of money in Elke's account is greater than or equal to $300.
Therefore, the inequality that could be used to solve this problem is 235.9 + 22d ≥ 300.