Which of the following were actions that motivated Radical Republicans to seek the impeachment of President Johnson? Choose all that apply.(1 point)Responses President Johnson encouraged former Confederate states to reject the Fourteenth Amendment.President Johnson encouraged former Confederate states to reject the Fourteenth Amendment.President Johnson helped write the new state constitutions. President Johnson helped write the new state constitutions. President Johnson often lost his temper during speaking engagements.President Johnson often lost his temper during speaking engagements.President Johnson fired several military commanders who supported Radical Reconstruction.President Johnson fired several military commanders who supported Radical Reconstruction.

- President Johnson encouraged former Confederate states to reject the Fourteenth Amendment.

- President Johnson helped write the new state constitutions.
- President Johnson fired several military commanders who supported Radical Reconstruction.

you can only choose two

Based on the information provided, the two actions that motivated Radical Republicans to seek the impeachment of President Johnson are:

- President Johnson encouraged former Confederate states to reject the Fourteenth Amendment.
- President Johnson fired several military commanders who supported Radical Reconstruction.