Multiply 7/8 by 3 1/2 . Convert the product to be a mixed number.

To multiply 7/8 by 3 1/2, first, convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

To convert 3 1/2 to an improper fraction:
3 multiplied by 2 is 6.
6 plus 1 is 7.
The fraction becomes 7/2.

Now, multiply 7/8 by 7/2.

7/8 * 7/2 = (7 * 7) / (8 * 2) = 49/16

To convert the product to a mixed number, divide the numerator (49) by the denominator (16). The quotient is the whole number, and the remainder becomes the numerator for the fractional part.

49 divided by 16 equals 3 with a remainder of 1.

Therefore, the mixed number is 3 1/16.