A pulley system has a mechanical advantage of 3, and an object weighing 9 Newtons must be lifted 15 meters. How much force must be applied to lift the object?

Use the following equation to find the answer:

(1 point)

27 N
27 N

0.3 N
0.3 N

1.7 N
1.7 N

3 N
3 N

MA = Fo/Fi

We are given that the mechanical advantage (MA) is 3. Let's substitute this value into the equation:

3 = Fo/Fi

To find the force required to lift the object, we need to isolate Fo. Multiplying both sides of the equation by Fi:

3 * Fi = Fo

Now, we need to find Fi. We are given that the object weighs 9 Newtons and it needs to be lifted a distance of 15 meters. To find Fi, we can use the formula:

Fi = weight * distance

Fi = 9 N * 15 m

Fi = 135 N

Now, we can substitute Fi into the equation:

3 * 135 N = Fo

Fo = 405 N

Therefore, the force required to lift the object is 405 Newtons.