Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish

¿A que hora vas a jugar al tenis esta tarde?

Voy a jugar al tenis esta tarde a las seis.

Explain the significance of baseball and Cuba in la Republica Dominica. Write your answering in English.

Baseball holds great significance in both Cuba and the Dominican Republic. In Cuba, it is considered the national sport and has a deep cultural and historical connection. The sport has been played on the island since the late 19th century and became a symbol of Cuban identity and pride. Cuba has produced many talented baseball players who have had successful careers in both national and international leagues.

Similarly, in the Dominican Republic, baseball is also highly esteemed and deeply ingrained in the country's culture. The Dominican Republic has a long-standing tradition of producing exceptional baseball players who have achieved great success in Major League Baseball (MLB). Dominican players are renowned for their exceptional skills, and the country has earned a reputation as a "baseball powerhouse."

Baseball acts as a unifying force within these nations, bringing people together across social and economic backgrounds. It serves as a source of national pride and a means of escape from everyday challenges for many individuals. Both Cuba and the Dominican Republic have a rich baseball heritage and continue to produce talented players who contribute significantly to the sport's global landscape.

Simplify that in 3 sentences

Baseball holds immense cultural significance in both Cuba and the Dominican Republic, with the sport being considered a national pastime in both countries. Cuba and the Dominican Republic have a long history of producing talented baseball players who have achieved success in national and international leagues. Baseball serves as a unifying force and a source of pride for the people of these countries, contributing to their rich baseball heritage.