Rosalie exercises for 2/5 of an hour every morning how much time does she spend exercising in a week convert answer to a mixed number

To find the total time Rosalie spends exercising in a week, we need to multiply her daily exercise time by the number of days in a week.

2/5 of an hour = 2/5 * 60 minutes = 24 minutes
There are 7 days in a week, so Rosalie exercises for 24 minutes a day * 7 days = <<24*7=168>>168 minutes in a week.

To convert this to a mixed number, we divide 168 by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour) to find the number of hours she exercises:
168 / 60 = 2 hours and 48 minutes

So, Rosalie spends 2 hours and 48 minutes exercising in a week.