sven swims 5 laps in a pool 11 1/3 yards long what total length does he swim, convert your answer to a mixed number.

and the answers are 16 1/3 yards 56 2/3 yards 57 yards 170/3 yards.

To find the total length that Sven swims, we need to multiply the number of laps (5) by the length of each lap (11 1/3 yards).

To multiply a whole number by a mixed number, we can first convert the mixed number into an improper fraction.

11 1/3 can be converted to an improper fraction as (11×3 + 1)/3 = 34/3.

Now we can multiply the number of laps by the length of each lap:

5 × 34/3 = 170/3 yards.

Therefore, Sven swims a total length of 170/3 yards.