A line segment is translated 3 units down and 1 unit to the left. One of the endpoints after the translation is (5, 8). What was this point before the translation?(1 point)


The point (-5, 8) was the coordinate of the point before the translation.


I apologize for the mistake.

The correct coordinates of the point before the translation are (6, 8).

baby try again

Apologies for the confusion. If the endpoint after the translation is (5, 8), to find the coordinates of the point before the translation, we need to reverse the translation.

To do this:
1. Move 1 unit to the right to undo the leftward translation. (5, 8) becomes (6, 8).
2. Move 3 units up to undo the downward translation. (6, 8) becomes (6, 11).

So, the coordinate of the point before the translation is (6, 11).