
To solve this equation, you need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

First, perform the division operation inside the parentheses:

2/6 = 1/3

Next, multiply the result above by -7:

(1/3) * (-7) = -7/3

Finally, add -10 to the result obtained:

-10 + (-7/3)

To perform this addition, you need to find a common denominator for -7/3 and -10.

The common denominator is 3, so multiply -10 by 3/3:

-10 * 3/3 = -30/3

Now, the equation becomes:

-30/3 + (-7/3)

Combine the two fractions:

(-30 - 7)/3 = -37/3

Therefore, -10 + 2/6 * (-7) equals -37/3.