A farmer is selling carrots at his vegetable stand for $0.50

each. Write an expression that shows how much he would make from selling n carrots.(1 point)






can you explain how there is 0.50n?

Certainly! In the expression 0.50n, the variable n represents the number of carrots being sold.

The cost per carrot is $0.50, so by multiplying the number of carrots (n) by the cost per carrot ($0.50), we can calculate the total amount the farmer would make from selling n carrots.

For example, if the farmer sells 10 carrots, the expression 0.50n would become 0.50 * 10 = $5.00. This means the farmer would make $5.00 from selling 10 carrots.

In general, the expression 0.50n represents the total amount of money earned from selling n carrots at a price of $0.50 per carrot.