In a discussion with her

parents, Rylie states that getting
a new computer will help her do
better in school. Which piece of
evidence best supports her

One piece of evidence that best supports Rylie's statement is if she can provide examples of how her current computer is limiting her academic performance or causing difficulties in completing her schoolwork. For example, she could mention that her current computer is slow and constantly crashes, making it hard for her to research and complete assignments efficiently. Additionally, Rylie could explain that her current computer does not have enough storage space to store necessary documents and files, leading to disorganization and potential loss of important schoolwork. By demonstrating the specific ways in which a new computer would address these issues and improve her ability to succeed academically, Rylie can provide strong evidence in her discussion with her parents.

A faster computer

will help Rylie
complete her
Rylie's mom wants
to learn how to
build websites
Rylie found a
computer with
features her dad

One piece of evidence that best supports Rylie's statement is if she can provide specific examples of how a faster computer would help her complete her homework more efficiently. For instance, Rylie could mention that her current computer takes a long time to open and run programs, which slows down her workflow and adds unnecessary time to her homework assignments. By getting a faster computer, Rylie would be able to launch necessary software and applications quickly, allowing her to work more efficiently and complete her homework in a timely manner.

Additionally, Rylie could explain that a faster computer would improve her multitasking abilities and enable her to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. This would be especially helpful if she often needs to use several applications or browser tabs open at the same time while working on her assignments. By having a computer with better processing power and faster speeds, Rylie would be able to switch between tasks seamlessly and reduce any lag time, ultimately enhancing her productivity and performance in school.

When discussing her parents' interest in learning how to build websites, Rylie could mention that a faster computer would also benefit them in pursuing this new endeavor. Building websites often involves running design software, coding programs, and testing different web elements. A faster computer would make this process smoother and more efficient for Rylie's mom, allowing her to learn and practice website building skills with greater ease.

Lastly, if Rylie has found a specific computer with features that align with her needs and requirements, she can present this as evidence. By showing her parents the specifications and capabilities of the computer she found, such as faster processor, more RAM, or faster storage, Rylie can make a strong case for the positive impact it would have on her academic performance.