multiply 6 by 2 1/7. Convert the product to be a mixed number.

To multiply 6 by 2 1/7, first convert 2 1/7 to an improper fraction.

To do this, multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (7), then add the numerator (1):

2 * 7 + 1 = 15

So, 2 1/7 written as an improper fraction is 15/7.

Next, multiply 6 by 15/7:

6 * (15/7) = (6 * 15) / 7 = 90/7.

To convert the improper fraction 90/7 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (90) by the denominator (7):

90 ÷ 7 = 12 remainder 6.

Therefore, the mixed number is 12 6/7.

Apologies for the confusion earlier. My previous response was incorrect.

To multiply 6 by 2 1/7, we need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction first.

To do this, multiply the whole number (2) by the denominator (7), then add the numerator (1):

2 * 7 + 1 = 15

So, 2 1/7 written as an improper fraction is 15/7.

Next, multiply 6 by 15/7:

6 * (15/7) = (6 * 15) / 7 = 90/7.

To convert the improper fraction 90/7 to a mixed number, divide the numerator (90) by the denominator (7):

90 ÷ 7 = 12 remainder 6.

Therefore, the product 6 multiplied by 2 1/7 is indeed 12 6/7.

are you sure