A man with hemophilia mates with a woman who is a carrier for the condition.

Complete the Punnett Square for this cross.

To complete the Punnett Square for the cross between a man with hemophilia (h) and a woman who is a carrier for the condition (XH Xh), we need to consider the possible combinations of alleles.

The man can only pass on the Xh allele, as he only has one X chromosome. The woman can pass on either her XH or Xh allele since she is a carrier.

The Punnett Square would look like this:

XH | Xh
Xh | Xh (homozygous for hemophilia) | Xh (heterozygous carrier)
Xh | Xh (homozygous for hemophilia) | Xh (heterozygous carrier)

Resulting in the following possibilities for the offspring:

- 25% chance of a male with hemophilia (XhY)
- 25% chance of a female carrier (XHXh)
- 25% chance of a female carrier (XHXh)
- 25% chance of a female without hemophilia (XHXH)