Following units is likely to be used while calculating the distance between Venus and earth

The likely units used while calculating the distance between Venus and Earth are:

1. Astronomical Units (AU): An astronomical unit is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, which is approximately 149.6 million kilometers or 93 million miles. The distance between Venus and Earth can be expressed in AU to represent the average distance between the two planets.

2. Kilometers (km): Kilometers are commonly used in astronomy to express distances. The distance between Venus and Earth can be expressed in kilometers for precise calculations.

3. Miles: Miles can also be used to express the distance between Venus and Earth, especially in the United States, where the Imperial system is still commonly used.

Note: Other astronomical units such as light-years or parsecs are not typically used to measure the distance between Venus and Earth, as they are more commonly used for measuring distances on much larger scales, such as between stars or galaxies.