"The position of the Roman matron was quite different from that of the Greek matron in the time

of Pericles. The Roman matron was mistress in her own household. As the husband took charge
of all external transactions, so the wife was supreme in household arrangements.
James Donaldson, Woman; Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome
Based on your knowledge of the role of women in the Roman republic, provide evidence to prove the
author's claim that the position of Roman women was different from that of Greek women.
(4 points)

1) Legal rights: Roman women had more legal rights than Greek women. In Roman law, women could own and inherit property, engage in business transactions, and represent themselves in court. In contrast, Greek women had limited legal rights and were not allowed to own or inherit property.

2) Social status: Roman women enjoyed higher social status compared to Greek women. Roman women were often involved in public life and were respected for their roles as mothers and wives. They had more opportunities to socialize and participate in religious and cultural events. On the other hand, Greek women were restricted to the private sphere and had very limited participation in public life.

3) Education: Roman women had more access to education compared to Greek women. While Greek women were largely illiterate, Roman women from elite families had the opportunity to receive formal education. They were taught reading, writing, and other skills necessary for managing a household and participating in intellectual discussions.

4) Divorce rights: Roman women had the right to divorce their husbands, while Greek women did not. In Roman society, women had greater control over their marital status and had the ability to dissolve a marriage that was not fulfilling or satisfactory. Greek women lacked this autonomy and were generally unable to divorce their husbands.

Overall, these factors demonstrate how the position and rights of Roman women were different from those of Greek women, providing evidence to support the author's claim.