
You are sitting in a restaurant and el mesero has some questions for you. Keep in mind as the customer, the server speaks to you using the usted form as he is being polite.

Answer each question in Spanish with a complete and detailed sentence. Change the demonstrative adjective from "this" to "that" and "these" to "those" and vice versa making sure to keep agreement with the noun.

Example: ¿Puede usted compartir este menú? Respond in a complete sentence using *that*.
Can you share this menu?

Sí, puedo compartir ese menú.
Yes, I can share that menu.

1. ¿Necesita usted esa cuchara?
Respond in a complete sentence using *this*.

2. ¿Quiere estas bebidas calientes o frías?
Respond in a complete sentence using *those*.

3. ¿Quiere usted este pastel de manzana o de piña?
Respond in a complete sentence using *that*.

4. ¿Le gustarían esas mesas?
Respond in a complete sentence using *these*.

5. ¿Prefiere usted esta ensalada de fruta o de tomate?
Respond in a complete sentence using *that*.

You will be graded on (a) message organization, (b) control of target grammar structures, (c) accuracy of mechanics, (d) control of target vocabulary, (d) and task completion per the World Languages Writing Rubric

1. No, no necesito esta cuchara.

No, I don't need this spoon.

2. Quiero esas bebidas frías.
I want those cold drinks.

3. Quiero ese pastel de piña.
I want that pineapple pie.

4. Sí, me gustarían esas mesas.
Yes, I would like those tables.

5. Prefiero esa ensalada de tomate.
I prefer that tomato salad.