At a high school football game Jamie buys 6 hot dogs and 4 soft drinks for $13. Amy buys 3 hot dogs and 4 soft drinks for $8.50. What is the price of a hot dog? Responses A $0.75$0.75 B $1.00$1.00 C $1.25$1.25 D $1.50

Let the cost of a hot dog be $h$ dollars and the cost of a soft drink be $s$ dollars. We can set up a system of equations to represent the given information. From the first sentence, we have $6h + 4s = 13$. From the second sentence, we have $3h + 4s = 8.5$. Subtracting the second equation from the first, we get $(6h+4s)-(3h+4s) = 13 - 8.5 \Rightarrow 3h = 4.5 \Rightarrow h = \boxed{\textbf{(A)}\ 0.75}$.

whats the price of a hotdog?

The price of a hot dog is $\boxed{0.75\ \text{dollars}}$.