Things I want god to do for me this 2024 as a teenager

1. Help me succeed academically: I want God to give me the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to excel in my studies and achieve high grades.

2. Guide me in choosing the right career path: I want God to help me discover my passions and talents, and guide me towards a career that aligns with my strengths and purpose in life.

3. Strengthen my relationship with my family and friends: I want God to help me foster deeper connections with my loved ones, promote understanding and empathy, and create a loving and supportive atmosphere at home and with my friends.

4. Heal any physical or mental ailments: I want God to provide me with good health and protect me from any illnesses or injuries. I also ask for his healing grace for any existing health issues I may have.

5. Equip me with courage and confidence: I want God to give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone, take risks, and face challenges without fear. I also ask for his assistance in building self-esteem and self-confidence.

6. Provide me with opportunities for personal growth: I want God to open doors for me to learn new skills, experience different cultures, and expand my horizons.

7. Help me make wise choices: I want God to guide me in making decisions that align with his will and help me avoid any harmful actions or mistakes.

8. Bless my future endeavors: I want God to bless my endeavors, whether it be in academics, extracurricular activities, or future career opportunities.

9. Show me the path towards my purpose: I want God to reveal to me my life's purpose and help me live a life that glorifies him and brings joy and fulfillment.

10. Grant me peace, joy, and happiness: I want God to fill my heart with his peace, joy, and happiness, regardless of the circumstances I may face.