definition of:


Coalition: A coalition refers to an alliance, partnership, or collaboration between different individuals, groups, or organizations, usually formed to achieve a common goal or objective.

Collaborate: Collaboration refers to the process of working together with others, usually in a cooperative and coordinated manner, to achieve a shared goal or complete a task.

Communication: Communication involves the exchange of information, ideas, thoughts, or messages between individuals or groups, either verbally or non-verbally, in order to convey meaning and understanding.

Ethics: Ethics refers to moral principles, values, or guidelines that govern and influence human behavior, particularly in terms of what is considered right or wrong, fair or unfair, and just or unjust.

Integrity: Integrity is the quality of being honest, sincere, and having strong moral principles. It involves consistently adhering to one's values and beliefs while upholding ethical standards and being truthful in both words and actions.

Optimism: Optimism is a positive and hopeful outlook or attitude towards life, events, or circumstances. It involves expecting positive outcomes and focusing on the silver linings rather than dwelling on negative or unfavorable aspects.

Vision: Vision refers to a clear and compelling mental image or idea of the desired future state or outcome. It involves having a strategic and forward-thinking perspective, setting goals, and driving actions to fulfill that envisioned future.