Question 1 : What was the situation?

Answer: Last year, I had accidentally plagarised on one of my assignments.

Question 2: What was the ethical problem?

I had not fixed my work, but already subbmitteed the assignment.

Question 3: What did you do?

Over the weekend,I went back to the assignment and fixed my work.

Question 4: What was the result?

Answer: My teacher regraded my work. Then when I checked my gradebook later,on monday I saw that my grade went up.

In three to five good sentences explain how you agree with the situation using second person

I agree with the situation because it shows that you took responsibility for your mistake. By going back and fixing your work, you demonstrated integrity and a commitment to ethical behavior. It also shows that you value your education and strive for personal growth. Additionally, the positive outcome of your grade going up reinforces the importance of taking accountability for our actions and making things right. Overall, this situation highlights the importance of honesty and ethical decision-making.