Ms. Daniels feeds her cat ¼ of a cup of cat food twice each day. How long will 8 cups of dog food last?

1 point
2 days
32 days
7 ¾ days
16 days

To find out how many times Ms. Daniels feeds her cat in a day, we add together ¼ cup + ¼ cup to get: <<1/4+1/4=1/2>>1/2 cup

To find out how much food she feeds her cat in a day we multiply the number of times she feeds her cat by the amount of food she feeds her cat each time: 1/2 cup/day * 2 = <<1/2*2=1>>1 cup/day
To find out how many days 8 cups of food will last, we divide the total amount of food by the amount of food the cat eats each day: 8 cups / 1 cup/day = <<8/1=8>>8 days. Answer: \boxed{8}.