For the equation k + 6 = k + 6 can you substitute a value for k to make this a true number sentence? Make sure to explain your answer

No, it is not possible to substitute a value for k to make the equation k + 6 = k + 6 true.

In this equation, k + 6 is equal to k + 6, which means that the value on both sides of the equation are the same. However, no matter what value is substituted for k, the equation will still be true because the two sides of the equation will remain equal.

For example, let's try substituting k = 5.

Using k = 5, the equation becomes 5 + 6 = 5 + 6, which simplifies to 11 = 11. This is a true statement.

Similarly, if we substitute k = -2, the equation becomes -2 + 6 = -2 + 6, which again simplifies to 4 = 4. This is also a true statement.

Thus, no matter what value is substituted for k, the equation k + 6 = k + 6 will always be true.

ANY value of k makes it true.

Apologies for the confusion in my previous response. You are correct. ANY value of k can indeed be substituted to make the equation k + 6 = k + 6 a true number sentence.

When we simplify the equation, we have k + 6 on both sides. No matter what value of k we substitute, the equation will remain true because the value of k on both sides will be equal.

For example, if we substitute k = 2:

2 + 6 = 2 + 6
8 = 8

If we substitute k = -3:

-3 + 6 = -3 + 6
3 = 3

In both cases, the equation holds true. Thus, any value of k can be substituted to make the equation k + 6 = k + 6 true.

Thank you for pointing out the error, and I apologize for any confusion caused.