Give reasons why Amos was referred to as prophet of God's justice

1. Amos condemned the social injustices of his time: Amos preached extensively against the economic exploitation and social disparities that were prevalent during his time. He denounced the oppression of the poor by the rich, the mistreatment of workers, and the corruption in the legal system. His prophecies focused on God's concern for justice and his expectation for fair treatment and equality among all people.

2. Amos emphasized the moral responsibility of Israel: Amos emphasized that Israel's privileged position as God's chosen nation came with moral obligations. He chastised the Israelites for their abandonment of the covenant and their lack of righteousness. He warned that God's justice would be swift and unavoidable if they did not repent and turn away from their unjust ways.

3. Amos rebuked the religious hypocrisy of the elite: Amos criticized the religious leaders and the affluent members of society for their insincere worship and their exploitation of the religious system for personal gain. He pointed out that true worship and devotion to God required genuine repentance, compassion for the poor, and adherence to his commandments.

4. Amos prophesied the downfall of Israel and surrounding nations: Amos predicted the destruction and exile of Israel, as well as the fate of other neighboring nations, due to their unjust practices and refusal to heed the call for justice. His prophecies were a warning and a wake-up call for the people to change their ways before it was too late.

5. Amos highlighted God's moral character and his unwavering commitment to justice: Amos depicted God as a just and righteous judge who could not tolerate dishonesty, oppression, and exploitation. He emphasized that God's justice would prevail regardless of the people's actions, and that he would hold them accountable for their atrocities. Amos's prophecies served as a reminder that God's justice is ultimately sovereign and cannot be bypassed.