What will be the adverse consequences if systems exclude PWDs from all walks of life?

Excluding persons with disabilities (PWDs) from all walks of life can have several adverse consequences, both for the individuals themselves and for society as a whole. Some of these consequences include:

1. Social and economic exclusion: Excluding PWDs denies them access to education, employment, and social opportunities, which leads to their isolation and dependence on others. This exclusion perpetuates cycles of poverty and limited opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

2. Loss of talent and diversity: By excluding PWDs, society misses out on the unique talents, skills, and perspectives they bring. Employers, educational institutions, and communities lose the opportunity to benefit from the creativity, problem-solving abilities, and innovative thinking that PWDs can contribute.

3. Increased welfare and healthcare costs: When PWDs are excluded from education and employment, they are more likely to rely on welfare programs and social assistance. This increases the burden on government resources. Additionally, the lack of access to proper healthcare and support systems can lead to deteriorating health conditions among PWDs, further increasing healthcare costs in the long run.

4. Stigmatization and discrimination: Exclusion can reinforce negative stereotypes and prejudices towards PWDs, leading to further discrimination and social isolation. This results in diminished self-esteem, mental health issues, and reduced overall well-being for individuals with disabilities.

5. Violation of human rights: Excluding PWDs from participation in social, political, and economic life goes against the principles of inclusivity, equality, and human rights. It infringes on their rights to equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and full participation in society, as outlined in various international frameworks like the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

In summary, excluding PWDs from all walks of life creates a society that is less diverse, less inclusive, and less equitable. It perpetuates inequality, denies opportunities, and violates fundamental human rights. It is crucial for societies to promote inclusivity and ensure that PWDs have equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and social participation to foster a more inclusive and just society for everyone.