Why did the pope call for a crusade?

The exact motivations for Pope Urban II's call for the First Crusade in 1095 are complex and multifaceted. There were several factors that contributed to his decision:

1. Religious Motivation: The Pope's primary motivation was rooted in religious fervor. He aimed to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites in the Holy Land from the control of Muslims, whom he considered to be infidels and a threat to Christianity. Urban II saw the crusade as a means of uniting Christendom and reinforcing the authority of the Catholic Church.

2. Political Considerations: The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire) had been facing constant attacks from Muslim Seljuk Turks, who threatened their territories in Asia Minor. Emperor Alexios I Komnenos requested military assistance from the Pope to repel these threats. Therefore, the Pope saw an opportunity to strengthen the alliance between the Eastern and Western Churches and consolidate Catholic power.

3. Economic and Social Factors: The feudal system prevalent in Europe during the medieval period led to numerous competing lords and knights, causing internal conflicts and struggles for power. The Pope saw the crusade as a way to redirect this violence towards a common external enemy, providing knights an opportunity to gain wealth, land, and prestige through conquest.

4. Penitential Motivation: The Pope also saw the crusade as a means for Christian knights to atone for their sins. By participating in the holy war, knights could receive spiritual redemption through acts of violence against the enemies of Christianity.

Overall, the motives behind the Pope's call for a crusade were a mix of religious, political, economic, and social factors. It aimed to strengthen the Catholic Church, protect Christian territories, and channel the energies of European knights towards a common cause.

A. to establish trading empires in the Middle East

B.to free Jerusalem from the Turks
C. to convert Muslims to Christianity
D. to establish a new base for the Roman Catholic Church