What is the purpose of including the following closet in the US Constitution hebeas corpus and prohibition of bills attainder and ex post facto laws

The purpose of including the following clauses in the US Constitution - habeas corpus, prohibition of bills of attainder, and prohibition of ex post facto laws - is to protect individual rights and ensure fair treatment under the law.

1. Habeas Corpus: This clause ensures that individuals cannot be unlawfully detained without just cause. It prohibits the government from holding someone in custody indefinitely without a legitimate reason. It allows individuals to challenge the legality of their detention and seek a fair trial or release.

2. Prohibition of Bills of Attainder: This clause prevents the government from passing laws that specifically target individuals or groups for punishment without a fair trial. Bills of attainder were historically used to pass judgments and impose penalties on specific individuals or groups without due process. This clause protects against such arbitrary actions and ensures everyone receives a fair trial before being punished.

3. Prohibition of Ex Post Facto Laws: This clause prohibits the government from passing laws that retroactively criminalize an act or increase the severity of punishment for an act after it has been committed. It ensures that individuals are only held accountable for actions that were considered illegal at the time they were committed. This prohibition prevents the government from changing the rules after the fact and violating the principle of fairness.

Including these clauses in the Constitution strengthens the protection of individual rights, upholds the principles of due process and fairness, and prevents the government from exercising arbitrary power over its citizens.