How to report child assault in Hong Kong court

I'm not a lawyer, but I can provide some general information on reporting child assault in Hong Kong. If you witness or suspect a case of child assault, it is important to take immediate action to protect the child and report it to the relevant authorities. Here are some steps you may consider taking:

1. Ensure the Child's Safety: If the child is in immediate danger, contact the police emergency hotline at 999 to report the incident and seek assistance.

2. Document the Incident: If it is safe to do so, gather any evidence or information you have about the assault. This may include photos, videos, or any other relevant details that can support your report.

3. Report to the Police: Contact your local police station to file a report. Provide them with all the information you have regarding the incident, including any evidence or witnesses you may have. They will initiate an investigation into the matter.

4. Seek Medical Attention: If the child requires medical attention, take them to a hospital or call for an ambulance immediately. Inform the medical professionals about the assault, as they need to document any injuries for potential evidence.

5. Report to Social Welfare Department (SWD): Contact the SWD Child Protection Hotline at 2343 2255 to report the child assault. They will provide guidance on how to handle the situation and may conduct their own investigation.

6. Consult a Lawyer: If you are closely related to the child or have any legal obligations towards them, seeking legal advice from a lawyer is advisable. They can guide you through the legal process and assist in protecting the child's rights.

7. Cooperate with Authorities: Throughout the investigation and subsequent court proceedings, it's crucial to cooperate fully with the police and other relevant authorities. Provide any additional information or evidence that may be required to support the case.

Remember, these steps are general in nature, and it is important to seek professional legal advice to understand the specific procedures and laws in Hong Kong. Contacting a lawyer who specializes in child protection and criminal law will provide you with the most accurate guidance tailored to your specific situation.