Symptoms of spermatocele

Spermatoceles are typically painless, benign cysts that form around the epididymis, which is the tube that carries and stores sperm in the testicles. They are usually filled with a fluid that contains sperm. Some common symptoms of spermatoceles include:

1. Lump or swelling in a testicle: Spermatoceles usually appear as a small lump or swelling on the testicle, commonly near the head of the epididymis. They are typically smooth and firm to the touch.

2. Scrotal discomfort or heaviness: Some individuals may experience mild discomfort or a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum due to the presence of a spermatocele.

3. Dull ache or pain: In rare cases, larger spermatoceles may cause a mild, dull ache or pain in the scrotum, especially if they become inflamed or infected.

4. Enlarged testicle: If a spermatocele grows significantly in size, it may result in an enlargement of the affected testicle.

It is worth noting that most men with spermatoceles do not experience any symptoms, and the condition is often discovered incidentally during a routine physical examination or ultrasound. If you notice any unusual changes or symptoms in your scrotum, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.