What are three differences between the Roman republic government and the United States government? make it short

1. Structure: The Roman Republic operated under a mixed government system consisting of three branches: the executive magistrates, the Senate, and the popular assemblies. In contrast, the United States government follows a federal system with three separate branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial.

2. Representation: The Roman Republic practiced a direct democracy, where citizens directly participated in decision-making through voting in various assemblies. In contrast, the United States government operates as a representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

3. Duration: The Roman Republic lasted for nearly five centuries, from 509 BC to 27 BC, while the United States government has been in existence since 1789, making it significantly younger in comparison.

shorter please

1. Roman Republic had a mixed government system, while the United States has a federal system.

2. Roman Republic practiced direct democracy, while the United States is a representative democracy.
3. Roman Republic lasted for five centuries, while the United States government is relatively younger.